I am a Police K9 handler, working my third police K9. I am also a certified Police K9 trainer.
I also have experience working with US Veterans with PTSD and TBI, teaching them to train their dogs as service dogs.
I routinely work with people and their dogs to help them find solutions to problems they are encountering or to assist with basic and advanced training. Below are some of the comments I have received from training clients.
German Shepherds - Von Woden Kennels FB Page
Here is a comment from a recent customer two months after she took her new puppy home.
"He is home and happy! . Oh! And the vet says he is a “stunning” dog, obviously from “good stock”, and obeys basic commands “capitally” for his age! Thank you, Von Woden Kennels for my amazing puppy!!"
One of my customers was having a people and dog aggression issue with her dog. She had purchased the puppy from me at 8 weeks and the dog was now one year old. I spent an hour with her, working on her skills as well as giving her some insite into her communication with her dog. This is a note I received a day later.
"Hey David, just a quick update on Arrow. Tonight was awesome!!!! I think we may have a chance of passing the CGC (Canine Good Citizen). He did have a few reactions to dogs but I was able to give a correction without being seen and it snapped him out of it. No problems with any people he even let a strange man come over and pat him. VERY EXCITED. Just wanted to say thanks for the help. Not only did you help the dog but also gave me back some confidence. I will just keep at it. Thanks again you're the best!!!!!" -- Dawn
This is from a family with two high energy labrador retreivers. The dogs were causing problems with constantly harassing visitors. I spent two hour long sessions with them and provided some direction and helped to establish boundaries for the dogs. Here is the email I received after two consultations:
"Hey, just wanted to let you know about our success last night. We had a bunch of friends over for dinner and there were 3 toddlers in the crowd. The dogs did really well. They were excited when they all first got here but didn't jump on or terrorize any little people. They even stayed on their beds for a good length of time. Remi slunk off her bed a couple of times but accepted the correction well without her stubborn wench attitude. They also sleep on their own beds and don't even bother trying to get on ours anymore. Life is good!" -- Christine